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Inn Keeper

Alcohol Licensing System

Inn Keeper supports the licensing function by combining the administrative needs of liquor licensing with a powerful intelligence capability that delivers information on alcohol-related crime and disorder.


Inn Keeper enables an organisation to manage premises, licence holders, door supervisors, owners, responsible people and all licence applications. Information is easily disseminated throughout the force. All information regarding incidents and visits in relation to the licenced premises are stored and tracked on the system allowing the force to take a proactive approach to tackling alcohol-related disorder.

Inn Keeper

System Overview

The main areas of the system include the Premises records, the Person records and the Incident/Visit records. These records along with other information such as applications, owners, licence holders and a range of management reports, provide the users with a full picture of licensed venues, their history and their performance.


Incidents and Visits Record

Person Record

Premises Record

Designed to allow licensing officers to easily manage data relating to licensed premises, and allows operational officers to gain access to licence information on the go. Applications can be tracked and objections raised. A traffic light system is used to grade premises. This can be configured by the administrator to flag up problem premises and attention notices can be attached to highlight a particular area of enforcement.

Details of incidents can be recorded within the system, as can any visits or inspections. This information is a valuable tool for officers when managing problem premises, or tracking the type of incidents which occur regularly. The recording of incidents within the system can flag up issues with a premises or licensee; the MIS within the system enables an officer to highlight hot spots and take measures to combat any further issues.

The individual person record shows all the information regarding “responsible people”, particularly in relation to qualifications, personal licences and individual warnings. There is further information available which enables a user to drill down to specific information, building up a picture of all of their previous licences, associated premises and if any problems were reported.

System Benefits

The system provides time saving efficiencies and improves quality of data with a consistent user interface

The tracking of activity within premises means Inn Keeper can highlight problem locations

Inn Keeper is regularly updated in line with the newest legislation, ensuring the system is always up-to-date

Comprehensive search facilities allow users to easily navigate around the system

Allows users to easily manage their workload with several dashboard facilities

View all details relating to refused, pending and current applications by keeping a full history of applications

What our Customers Say

"We're pleased with the efficiencies made by Inn Keeper. It means that, so far, 6 police officers have been released to police the streets, from this division alone, instead of being tied up with licensing administrative duties."

Trent Valley


—  Mark Czechowski,

Licensing Sgt

To learn more about Inn Keeper contact us

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